General Combat
Combat plays a very essential role in "Dragon Ball Online Global", it tests the player's mastery of their skills. The following describes how the battle system works.
Combat Mode
Whether it's monsters or players, the combat system is the same.
- Selecting Target: To select a target, the player must first locate and move close to their target. You can use the left mouse button, or use the TAB key to select target.
- Basic Attack: After selecting the target right-click on the mouse, or press "F" on the keyboard, and it will automatically start doing basic attack.
- Skill Attack: After selecting the target, right-click the skills or press the key on your hotbarskill on to launch it.
If you are in a team, you can see an Aggro list as shown in the picture.
Attack Category
There are two kinds of combat attacks, physical and energy based. Close combat unarmed or with gloves will fall into physical category. Energy attacks belong to long-range attacks, most of the weapons that launch a long-range attack will fall into this category.
To minimize physical damage you need to improve physical defense, and to minimize energy damage you need to improve energy defence.
Knock Down
If a character is knocked down during combat, they will be unable to carry out any actions untill they stand up again. While knocked down the player will take more damage. In order to stand up quickly after being knocked down, you need to quickly move the mouse from side to side.